1 tube of choice - I used the artwork of Melissa Dawn which can be purchased from CDO. You must have a license to use.
Font of choice - I used Wizard’s Magic here
Designs by Vaybs Mask 87 here
Plug Ins:
Mura’s Meister - Cloud
“Amy‘s Colors” is a tagger size scrap kit created by AmyMarie’s Freebies and can be downloaded from her blog freebie here. You can visit her blog here.
Please leave a thank you when downloading as it’s a small gesture for hard work given freely.
This tutorial was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
~♥~ Let’s get started ~♥~
Open up a 700 x 700 blank canvas.
Flood fill white.
Color Pallet:
Foreground: #fec235
Background: #f6d99a
Copy and paste Frame 6 as a new layer.
Resize 35%
Click inside of each square with your Magic Wand. Be sure to get that little space in the middle.
Selections/Modify/Expand by 4.
New Raster layer below the frame.
Apply Mura’s Mestier - Cloud
Hit the reset button.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer.
Add your embellishments. I used:
Flower 4(2): Resize 35%/Duplicate
Flower 1: Resize 30%/Duplicate
Fall Cluster Glass: Resize 90%
Pumpkin: Resize 25%/Duplciate/Mirror/Resize 70%
Leaf 1: Resize 30%/Free rotate Right 90 degrees/Duplicate as many times as you like.
Pinecone: Resize 25% and 50%
Bfly 2: Resize 30%/Free rotate Right 25 degrees
Highlight your white canvas.
New Raster layer.
Select All.
Copy and paste Paper 10 Into Selection.
Apply the mask.
Merge Group.
Add your copyrights.
Add your name:
Foreground: #0f0200
Background: Pattern/Paper 9
Stroke: 2
Type your name.
Give it a slight Inner Bevel:

Resize all layers 80%.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
I’d love to see your results and show it off in my gallery.
Email me!
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