1 tube of choice - I used the fabulous artwork of Irene Shpak here
Font of choice - I used Tabatha here.
Becky Mask 9 here
Eyecandy 5: Nature - Fire - Optional
Greg’s Factory Output Vol. II - Pool Shadow - Optional
Animation Shop
“Choco Love” is a tagger size scrap kit created by Cindy of Puddicat Creations and can be purchased at Aussie Scrap Designs. You can visit Cindy’s blog here.
Thank you Cindy for an amazing kit!
This tutorial was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
~♥~ Let’s get started ~♥~
Open up a 700 X 700 blank canvas.
Flood fill white.
Copy and Paste Frame 4 as a new layer.
Resize 80%
Use your Magic Wand and click inside of it.
Selections/Modify/Expand by 2.
New Rater layer below the frame.
Copy and paste a paper of choice.
Copy and paste your tube below the frame.
Tap the delete key.
Copy and paste Sparkles 2 as a new layer behind your tube.
Tap the delete key.
Copy and paste Bear 2 as a new layer below the frame.
Resize 50%
Move into position.
Tap the delete key.
Add your embellishments. I used:
Flower 4: Resize 50%
Flower 2: Resize 50% and 80%
Pearl: Resize 85%
Butterflies of your choice: Resize 25% and more.
Candle 4: Resize 40%
Candle 3: Resize 35%
Bubble 1
Chocolates 2: Resize 25%
Highlight your white background.
New Raster layer.
Seletct All.
Copy and paste a paper of your choice.
Apply the mask.
Merge Group.
Add your copyrights.
Add your name.
Give it a slight inner bevel:
Apply Pool Shadow:
Now we’re going to get things ready to animate.
Merge Visible the two candle layers.
Duplicate twice for a total of 3 candle layers.
Rename them Candle 1, 2, and 3.
Highlight candle 1.
Using your Freehand Selection Tool, draw out the shape of a flame over to the top of each wick.
Highlight Candle 1.
Apply Eyecandy 5: Nature - Fire with these settings:
Settings Tab:
Basic Tab:
Colors Tab:
Highlight Candle 2 layer:
Apply Eyecandy 5: Nature Fire again accept hit the Random Seed Button once.
Highlight Candle 3 layer:
Repeat the above step.
Close out Candle 2 & 3 layers.
Merge Visible.
~Time to Animate~
Open up Animation Shop.
Edit/Paste/As new Animation.
Back in PSP.
Close out Candle 1 layer.
Open up Candle 2 layer.
Copy Merge.
Carry into AS.
Edit/Paste/After Current Frame.
Back in PSP.
Close out Candle 2 layer.
Open up Candle 3 layer.
Copy Merge.
Carry into AS.
Edit/Paste/After Current Frame.
Ctl + A to highlight all the frames.
Animation/Frame Properties
Change the display time number to 25.
Animation/Resize Animation
Percentage of Original checked.
View your animation.
If you’re happy then save.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
I’d love to see your results.
Email me!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Chocolate Affair
Devilish Love
1 tube of choice - I used the fabulous artwork of Al Rio here
Font of choice - I used Pavane here.
Weescotlass Mask 236 here
Filters Unlimited 2.0: Photo Aging Kit Optional
Greg’s Factory Output Vol. II - Pool Shadow - Optional
“Devilish Love” is a full size scrap kit created by Jules of Jules Junk and can be purchased at TKO Scraps. You can visit Jules blog here.
Thank you Jules for a fabulous kit!
This tutorial was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
~♥~ Let’s get started ~♥~
Open up a 700 X 700 blank canvas.
Flood fill white.
Copy and Paste Element 24 as a new layer.
Resize 25%
Use your Magic Wand and click inside of it.
Selections/Modify/Expand by 2.
New Rater layer below the frame.
Flood fill with a gradient of your choice.
I used:
Foreground: #860018
Background: #000000
Intensity & Texture both set at 128
Or you can use any texture in your PSP program!
Apply Greg’s Factory Output Vol. II - Pool Shadow:
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer below your frame.
Tap the delete key.
Add your embellishments. I used:
Element 29: Resize 40%. Duplicate/Resize 80%, Duplicate/Resize 80%, Duplicate/Resize 80%
Element 1: Resize 50%
Element 33: Resize 30%
Highlight your white background.
New Raster layer.
Seletct All.
Copy and paste a paper of your choice.
Apply the mask. .
Merge Group.
Add your copyrights.
Add your name using the same red and black.
Foreground: #000000
Background: Same gradient as before
Stroke set to 2
Select All/Float/Defloat
Selections/Modify/Contract by 2
Apply Pool Shadow Effect.
Give it a slight inner bevel:
Apply Pool Shadow again.
Resize all layers 80%.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
Down by the Creek
1 tube of choice - I used the fabulous artwork of Elias Chatzoudis here
Font of choice - I used Dragonfly here.
Weescotlass Mask 241 here
“Singing in the Rain” is a tagger size scrap kit created by Lynne of BabyCakes Scraps and can be purchased at her store Creative Scraps. You can visit her site here.
Thank you Lynne for such a fun kit!
This tutorial was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
~♥~ Let’s get started ~♥~
Open up a 700 X 700 blank canvas.
Flood fill white.
Resize 30%
Use your Magic Wand and click inside of it.
Selections/Modify/Expand by 6.
New Rater layer below the frame.
Copy and paste a paper of choice Into Selection.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer below the frame.
Tap the delete key.
Copy and paste Grass 2 as a new layer.
Resize 25%
Move both grass layers into position below the frame.
Erase any that overhangs the frame.
Merge Visible.
Reopen your white canvas.
Resize 40%
Use your Magic Wand and click inside of it.
Selections/Modify/Expand by 6.
New Rater layer below the frame.
Copy and paste a paper of choice Into Selection.
Resize 40%
Move both grass layers into position below the frame.
Erase any that overhangs the frame.
Resize 30%
Move the cat tail layers into position below the frame.
Erase any that overhangs.
Merge Visible.
Reopen all layers.
Move both merged frame layers into position.
See my tag for reference.
Resize 50%
Copy and paste Frog 4 as a new layer.
Resize 30%
Copy and paste Frog 3 as a new layer.
Resize 30%
In your layers pallet move the frogs above the boat and position them so they’re beside each other.
Merge visible both frogs.
Lower the opacity on them until you can see the boat through them.
Using your Freehand Selection Tool, zoom in and outline the edge of the boat and then around the bottom part of the frogs.
Be sure your frog layer is highlighted and tap the delete key.
If you happen to notice just the slightest gap in between the frogs and the edge of the boat then tap on the down arrow on your keyboard.
Turn the opacity of the frog layer back to 100.
Merge visible the frogs and boat.
Add your embellishments. I used:
Tree: Resize 60%
Lantern: Resize 80%
Dragonfly 2 & 3: Resize both 25%
Grass 2: Resize 25%
Cat Tail: Resize 25%
New Raster layer.
Seletct All.
Copy and paste a paper of your choice.
Apply the mask.
Merge Group.
Add your name.
Give it a slight inner bevel:
Resize all layers 80%.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Stemming Beauty
1 tube of choice - I used the gorgeous artwork of KatNKDA here
Font of choice - I used Jellyka Castle’s Queen here.
“Boudoir” is a full size scrap kit created by Kat of KatNKDA and can be purchased at her store NKArt Shop. You can visit her site here.
Kat, this kit is full of beauty. Thank you my dear friend.
This tutorial was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
~♥~ Let’s get started ~♥~
Open up a 700 X 700 blank canvas.
Flood fill white.
Resize 50%
Free rotate left 5 degrees.
Resize 40%
Using your Freehand Selection Tool, outline the top leaf.
New Raster layer above the leaves.
Copy and paste a paper of choice Into Selection.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer.
Resize as needed.
Tap the delete key.
Merge visible with the paper.
Number of Pixels:
Tap the delete key until you have a feathered effect.
Merge down with the leaf layer.
Resize 80%
Position over the scroll paper.
Add your embellishments. I used:
Element 15: Resize 25%. Position behind the scroll
Element 42: Resize 25%. Free rotate right 95 degrees.
Element 39: Resize 25% Free rotate left 95 degrees.
Element 1: Resize 25% and 60%
Element 4: Resize 25% and 60%. Duplicate/Resize 80%
Element 11: Resize 25% and 40% - Position behind the roses
Element 11 again: Resize 25% and 70% - Position behind the scroll paper
Element 36: Resize 25% and 50% Free rotate right 30 degrees. - Duplicate/Mirror/Resize 80%
Element 35: Resize 25% and 35% Free rotate left 30 degrees
Element 39: Resize 25% and 30% Free rotate left 20 degrees
Crop your image.
Open up Mask 02 from the kit.
Highlight your working canvas.
Highlight your white background.
New Raster layer.
Copy and paste a paper of your choice.
Apply the mask - be sure “Invert Mask Data” is checked.
Merge Group.
Add your copyrights.
Add your name.
Resize all layers 80%
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
It Must Be Love
2 tubes of choice - I used the wonderful artwork of Elias Chatzoudis which you can purchase here.
Font of choice - I used Musicals here
Weescotlass Mask 81 here
Animation Shop
“It Must Be Love” is a PTU tagger size scrap kit created by Ishona of Athena Designs and can be purchased at TKO Scraps. You can visit Ishona’s blog here.
Thank you Ishona for an amazing kit!
This tutorial was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
~♥~ Let’s get started ~♥~
Open up a 700 X 700 blank canvas.
Flood fill white.
Copy and Paste EL46 as a new layer.
Using your Freehand Selection Tool, outline the heart:
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer.
Position over the heart.
If you want part of the head to stick out of the heart then Duplicate the tube.
Close the Duplicate copy out.
Highlight the original.
Tap the delete key.
Number of Pixels: 43
Tap the delete key until you have the desired feathered effect.
Open the duplicate tube.
Erase everything accept the top of the head.
Merge visible the heart and tube(s) layers.
Copy and paste the heart again as a new layer.
Move both heart layers into position on your canvas.
See my tag for reference.
Add you embellishments. I used:
EL52: Resize 45%
EL47: Resize 70% Duplicate/Resize 80%
EL40: Mirror/Flip
Highlight your white canvas.
New Raster layer.
Select All
Copy and paste a paper of choice Into Selection.
Apply the mask.
Merge Group.
Add your copyrights.
Add your name - have the stroke set at 2.
Convert to a Raster layer.
Select All/Float/Defloat
Selections/Modify/Contract by 2.
Give it an inner bevel:
Duplicate twice for a total of 3 layers.
Rename them Name 1, 2, and 3.
Highlight Name 1 layer.
Adjust/Add Remove Noise/Add Noise:
Random checked
Noise: 33%
Highlight Name 2 layer.
Apply the noise accept change the number to 43.
Highlight Name 3 layer.
Apply the noise accept change the number to 53.
Close out Name 2 & 3 layer.
Resize all layers 80%
Copy Merge.
~Time to Animate~
Carry into Animation Shop.
Edit/Paste/As New Animation.
Back into PSP.
Close out Name 1
Open up Name 2.
Copy Merge.
Carry Into AS.
Edit/Paste/After Current Frame.
Back into PSP.
Close out Name 2.
Open up Name 3.
Copy Merge.
Carry Into AS.
Edit/Paste/After Current Frame.
View your animation.
If you're happy with it then save.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
I’d love to see your results.
Email me!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
My Addiction
1 tube of choice - I used the wonderful artwork of Zindy S.D. Nielsen which you can purchase here.
Font of choice - I used a pay font OhLara here
Weescotlass Mask 249 here
“My Addiction” is a PTU tagger size scrap kit created by Terry of Treasure’s by Terry and can be purchased exclusively at MPT. You can visit Terry’s blog here.
Thank you Terry for an incredibly beautiful kit!
This tutorial was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
~♥~ Let’s get started ~♥~
Open up a 700 X 700 blank canvas.
Flood fill white.
Copy and Paste Frame 4 as a new layer.
Resize 80%
Free rotate 90 degrees left.
Position them so that one is slightly higher than the other.
See my tag for reference.
Merge Down.
Use your Magic Wand and click inside of each frame.
Selections/Modify/Expand by 6
New Raster Layer below the frame.
Copy and paste a paper of choice Into Selection.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer above the paper.
Resize as needed.
Tap the delete key.
Duplicate the tube layer.
Position the duplicated tube below the opposite frame.
Highlight the tube that is in the right frame -
Change the Properties to Soft Light.
Add your embellishments. I used:Stitch 3: Resize 40%
Frame 11
Candle 6
Heart 1: Resize 70% Free rotate right 30 degrees
Flower 8: Resize 80% Free rotate left 20 degrees
Flower 8: Resize 70% Free rotate right 10 degrees
Flower 9: Resize 70% Duplicate/Free rotate right 25 degrees
Butterfly 1 & 2: Resize 60% Free rotate 30 degrees
Duplicate each butterfly and resize as you like
Highlight your white canvas.
New Raster layer.
Select All
Copy and paste a paper of choice Into Selection.
Apply the mask.
Resize 105%
Merge Group.
Add your copyrights.
Add your name.
Give it an inner bevel:
Crop your image.
Resize all layers 85%.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
Sophisticated Class
2 tubes of choice - I used the wonderful artwork of Keith Garvey which you can purchase here.
Font of choice - I used Aquarelle here
Eyecandy 5: Impact - Gradient Glow
Xenofex 1: Shower Door
“Sophistication” is an Exclusive Mega PTU tagger size scrap kit created by Tina of Tina’s Magical Scrap World and can only be purchased at Sophisti-Scraps. You can visit Tina’s blog here.
Thank you Tina for such an awesome kit!
This tutorial was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
Flood fill white.
Free rotate right 90 degrees.
Resize 40%
Free rotate right 25 degrees
Move into position - see my tag for reference.
Once you have the frame exactly where you want it, duplicate.
In your layers pallet, move the original beneath the ribbon layer.
Use your Magic Wand and click inside the frame.
New Raster layer below the frame.
Copy and paste a paper of choice Into Selection.
Tap the delete key.
Close out your white background.
Merge Visible.
Reopen your white background.
Highlight the original.
Adjust/Blur/Gaussian Blur
Radius: 10
Apply Xenofex 1.0 - Shower Door:
Sweet Bow 3: Resize 25%
Heart Pendant 4: Resize 50%
Bottle 1: Resize 50%
Curl Ribbon 3: Resize 40%
Glass 1: Resize 40%
Rose 1: Resize 40% Free rotate left 110 degrees. Duplicate/Mirror
Duplicate/Resize 80%. Duplciate/Mirror.
Shiny Butterfly 1: Resize 25% Free rotate left 25 degrees
Shiny Butterfly 4: Resize 25% and 80% Free rotate right 25 degrees
Type out the words “Sophistcated” and “Class” - each word on it’s own layer.
Free rotate “Sophisticated” left 10 degrees.
Move them into position.
See my tag for reference.
Add your copyrights.
Add your name.
Apply Eyecandy 5: Impact - Gradient Glow:
Crop your image.
Resize all layers 80%
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Gothic Rose
2 tubes of choice - I used the wonderful artwork of Zindy S.D. Nielsen which you can purchase here.
Font of choice - I used Kells here
Becky Mask 9 here
“Gothic Rose” is a PTU tagger size scrap kit created by Terry of Treasure’s by Terry and can be purchased exclusively at MPT. You can visit Terry’s blog here.
Thank you Terry for such a stunning Goth kit!
This tutorial was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
~♥~ Let’s get started ~♥~
Open up a 700 X 700 blank canvas.
Flood fill white.
Resize 80%
Duplicate and close out the duplicate layer.
Highlight the original.
Use your Freehand Selection Tool and outline the frame.
New Raster layer below the frame.
Copy and paste a paper of choice Into Selection.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer above the paper.
Resize as needed.
Tap the delete key.
Close out your white background.
Merge Visible.
Close it out.
Reopen your white background.
Open the duplicate frame layer.
Repeat the above step accept use a different tube.
Now move both your merged layers into position.
See my tag for reference.
Copy and paste Lamp 1 as a new layer.
Using your Freehand Selection Tool, draw around the lamp:
Number of Pixels: 43
Tap the delete key until you have the feathered look at the top of the lamp you want.
Add your embellishments. I used:
Rose 7: Resize 70%
Bow 3: Resize 40%
Heart 3: Resize 50%
Crow 1: Resize 70%
New Raster layer.
Select All
Copy and paste a paper of choice Into Selection.
Apply the mask.
Merge Group.
Add your copyrights.
Give it an inner bevel:
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
Glitz and Glamour
1 tube of choice - I used the wonderful artwork of Elias Chatzoudis which you can purchase here.
Font of choice - I used NewYorkDeco here and Al Sandra here
Mask 71 by Kreations here - if you know who this mask belongs to can your please email me so that I can give proper credit. Thank you.
DSB Flux - Bright Noise
Animation Shop
“Glitz and Glamour” is a PTU tagger size scrap kit created by Julie of Bits n Bobs and can be purchased at Exquisite Scraps.
Thank you Julie for another amazing kit!
This tutorial was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
~♥~ Let’s get started ~♥~
Open up a 700 X 700 blank canvas.
Flood fill white.
Copy and Paste Element 7 as a new layer.
Use your Magic Wand and click inside of the frame - even beneath the ribbon.
New Raster layer below the frame.
Flood fill with a gradient of your choice.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer.
Tap the delete key.
In your color pallet:
Foreground: Black
Background: null
Width: 4
Using your Ellipse Tool set on circle, draw out a circle that goes just slightly beyond the outside edge of the frame.
Objects/Align/Center in Canvas
Change the colors in your pallet to match your tube. Have your stroke set at 2.
Move your cursor along the circle until you see a Rocking A appear.
Click your mouse and a text box will appear.
Using the NewYorkDeco font, type “Glitz & Glamour”
In your layers pallet, click on the plus box
Click on the eye of the New Ellipse layer.
Highlight the Vector one layer.
Right Click/Convert to Raster layer.
Select All/Float/Defloat
Selections/Modify/Contract by 2.
Effects/3D Effects/Inner Bevel:
Duplicate it two times for a total of 3 word layers.
Rename G&G 1, 2, and 3.
Highlight G&G 1 layer.
Apply DSB Flux - Bright Noise:
Highlight GG2 layer.
Apply Bright Noise again accept hit the mix button twice.
Highlight GG3 layer.
Apply Bright Noise again accept hit the mix button three times.
Close out GG2 & GG3 layers.
Add your embellishments. I used:
Element 32: Placed behind the frame.
Element 31 & 32: Resize 50. Duplicate both/resize both 80%
Element 58: Resize 50%
Element 5: Resize 70%
Element 40
Add your copyrights.
Add your name.
Give it the same inner bevel
Duplicate 2 times for a total of 3 name layers.
Rename Name 1, 2, and 3.
Repeat the steps you used before in applying the DSB Flux Bright Noise.
Close out Name 2 & 3 layers.
Copy Merge.
~Now it’s time to Animate~
Open up Animation Shop.
Edit/Paste as New Animation.
Back into PSP.
Close out GG 1 and Name 1 layers.
Open up GG2 and Name 2 layers.
Copy Merge.
Carry into AS.
Edit/Paste/After Current Frame.
Back into PSP.
Close out GG2 and Name 2 layers.
Open up GG3 and Name 3 layers.
Copy Merge.
Carry Into AS.
Edit/Paste After Current Frame.
View your animation.
If you’re happy then resize your frames.
Animation/Resize Animation.
Percentage of Original checked.
Change numbers to 85
Now you can save your animation.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
I’d love to see your results.
Email me!