Font of choice - I used Aquarelle here
Becky mask 22 here
“Summer Splash ” is a tagger size scrap kit created by Conchi of DNScraps and can be purchased from Lollipops n Gumdrops. You can visit her blog here. Thank you Conchi for a super summer kit!
This tutorial was written assuming you have a working knowledge of PSP.
~♥~ Let’s get started ~♥~
Open a 700 x 700 blank canvas.
Flood fill white.
Copy and paste Wire Frame as a new layer.
Resize 55%
Free rotate Left 90 degrees.
Use your Freehand Selection Tool to outline the frame - keeping the marching ants at the center of the frame sides.
New Raster layer below the frame.
Copy and paste Paper 24 Into Selection.
Copy and paste Motobike as a new layer above the paper.
Move into position.
Tap the delete key.
Copy and paste Biker Dude 3 as a new layer.
Resize 65%
Move into position.
Tap the delete key.
Copy and paste Biker Babe 2 as anew layer.
Resize 60%.
Position in front of the frame.
Add your embellishments. I used:
Bandana 2: Resize 60%/Duplicate/Resize 70%
Hearts 2: Resize 25%/Mirror
Bracelet: Resize 30%/Free rotate Left 75 degrees
Girl Gear: Resize 25%
Boots: Resize 25% and 70%
Boots 3: Resize 25% and 50%/Duplicate/Free rotate Left 90 degrees
Crop your image.
Highlight your white canvas.
New Raster layer.
Select All.
Copy and paste Paper 8 Into Selection.
Apply the mask.
Merge Group.
Add your copyrights.
Add your name.
Give it a slight Inner Bevel:

Resize all layers 90%.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
I’d love to see your results and show it off in my gallery.
Email me!
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